Pan-Africanism / Garveyism Movement

Friday, May 30, 2014

Numbers Don't Lie

Americans Would Rather Do Business With White People Than Black People

There is deep racial bias in our economy, as evidenced by the fact that online buyers shy away from doing business with black sellers and offer them less money when they do interact.

In a year-long experiment, researchers posted ads on online marketplaces like Craigslist selling an old iPod with a picture of the seller holding it, with either a black person or white person’s hand pictured. They also posted ads with a white hand that had a wrist tattoo, which the authors posited might experience similar discrimination to black people and could serve as a control group.

Black Victim Says Police Begged Her Not to Prosecute White Burglary Suspect

black woman says she awoke to find a white man bleeding in her living room after having broken through her window to enter the home. She says she called 911 and expected police to do their job and arrest the suspect, but instead, she alleges officers minimized the break-in and encouraged her not to file charges against the white suspect.

Full Story Here

Sunday, May 25, 2014

White on White Crime

How is it that when a black person commits a crime against one of his own, it's heavily publicized as Black on Black crime.  But when a white person commits a similar act against one of their own its NEVER referred to the public as white on white crime. #elliotrodger

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Study: Whites More Likely to Abuse Drugs Than Blacks

Black youth are arrested for drug crimes at a rate ten times higher than that of whites. But new research shows that young African Americans are actually less likely to use drugs and less likely to develop substance use disorders, compared to whites, Native Americans, Hispanics and people of mixed race. Maia Szalavitz @maiasz

1969 Casual Killing Act: When Murder Was Legal In America

As part of its 1669 slavery law revisions, the Commonwealth of Virginia passed the Casual Slave Killing Act--legalizing the murder of slaves by their masters.

Slavery and the Law in Virginia

The Growth of the Black Population:

1640-1660: The Critical Period: Custom to Law when Status Changed to "Servant for Life"
  • 1639/40 -- Blacks excluded from the requirement of possessing arms.
  • 1642 -- Black women counted as tithables (taxable).
  • 1662 -- Possibility of life servitude for Blacks.
1660-1680: Slave Laws Further Restrict Freedom of Blacks and Legalize Different Treatment for Blacks and Whites
  • 1667 -- Baptism does not bring freedom to Blacks.
  • 1669 -- An act about the "casual killing of slaves" establishes that "if any slave resist his master and by the extremity of the correction should chance to die, that his death not be accompted Felony."
  • 1670 -- Servant for life: the "normal" condition judged for Blacks.
  • 1670 -- Forbade free Blacks and Native Americans, "though baptised," to own Christian servants.
1680-1705: Slave Laws Reflect Racism and the Deliberate Separation of Blacks and Whites. Color becomes the Determining Factor. Conscious Efforts to Rigidly Police Slave Conduct.
  • 1680 -- Prescription of thirty lashes on the bare back "if any negroe or other slave shall presume to lift up his hand against any Christian."
  • 1680s -- Development of a separate legal code providing distinct trial procedures and harsher punishments for negroes.
  • 1680s -- Status of the child is determined by the status or condition of the mother.
  • 1680s -- Severe punishment prescribed for slaves who leave their master's property or for hiding or resisting capture.
  • 1691 -- Banishment for any white person married to a negroe or mulatto and a systematic plan to capture "outlying slaves" is approved.
  • 1705 -- All negro, mulatto, and Indian slaves are considered real estate.
  • 1705 -- Dismemberment of unruly slaves is made legal.

Black Woman

The most unprotected and neglected person in America is the Black Woman.

Racism In America

How does white racism adversely impacts the lives of black people as an entire group in America?

Ans. Economically, Health, Education, Criminal Justice

How does black racism adversely impacts the lives of white people as an entire group? None!

White racism has the power to effect an entire group of people.  Black People could be racist, but won't adversely impact white people in America as an entire group.